Traveling is my favorite thing in fact, I am always on the move. Check out where I have been over the last year and where I am now.
Top 4 Cities To Invest In
For those who want to invest abroad.
If I told you that you could travel the world and make money while doing it would you believe me?. The truth is, it is possible to generate income while traveling abroda and one of the ways is through investing. If you are interested in learning more then check out my free ebook How To Travel The World With Only Two Dollars in The Bank. Inside, I share several ways you can start traveling without having a big budget and how to get paid while traveling. In the meantime, here are some of the cities I recommend when it comes to investing overseas.

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The world is an amazing place. Go out and travel.
Hello, I’m Nikki Faye
The Wanderer
A lover of travel, blogger, entrepreneur, public speaker and travel influencer. I fell in love with travel when my parents took her to the Bahamas at a very young age. While there, I met a woman who changed the trajectory of my entire life from just one conversation. From that day forward, I jumped at every opportunity to travel, meet people, and learn from the lives of others all around the world, and in turn, I would like to inspire and educate the people along her path to travel and experience this amazing planet to the fullest.